How to Fall in Love with Sales: A Conversation with Pablo Alvarado

We sat down with Pablo Alvarado, our Director of Partnerships and Revenue Operations here at OrbisPay, for an exciting chat about the world of sales! Pablo's journey with us is truly inspiring, and his passion for what he does is absolutely infectious.

As one of our original team members, Pablo has been an integral part of OrbisPay's growth story. He's about to celebrate his four anniversary with us, and wow, does he have some amazing insights to share! From mastering the art of discovery calls to pioneering ways for employees to access their wages on-demand, Pablo's experiences cover it all.

Pablo's expertise goes beyond just sales - he's deeply committed to making a positive social impact. His work at OrbisPay aligns perfectly with his mission to provide financial services to those who have been traditionally underserved. It's this combination of sales acumen and social consciousness that makes Pablo such a valuable asset to our team. So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfortable, and join us as we dive into Pablo's incredible journey at OrbisPay. Trust us, you're in for some fantastic insights and inspiring stories from this sales and fintech enthusiast.

Driving Growth Through Social Impact

Fresh from Hult International Business School with a Master's in Finance, Pablo wasn't just chasing any old gig. This guy was on a mission to shake things up and make a real impact. And boy, did he strike gold with OrbisPay!

OrbisPay isn't your run-of-the-mill fintech startup. It's a true game-changer, offering a lifeline to folks who've been overlooked by traditional financial services. That's what set Pablo's heart on fire! Picture this: Pablo, an Ecuador native, lands in the US where bi-weekly paychecks are the norm. At first, he's thinking, "Wow, faster access to my hard-earned cash? Sweet!"

But reality soon hits home. He sees people, just like him, struggling to stretch their dollars between paydays. Talk about an eye-opener! Here's a shocker for you: even today, half of Americans would be in a tight spot if faced with an unexpected $400 expense. That's not just a number – it's a full-blown crisis!

So there's Pablo, standing at a crossroads. He could've played it safe, but that's not how he rolls. He was after a career with real purpose, one that could give the underdogs a leg up. And then, out of the blue, he hears about OrbisPay and their mission to give workers on-demand access to their wages. It was like the stars aligned! Pablo knew right then and there – this was his chance to be part of something truly revolutionary. As OrbisPay's Director of Partnerships and Sales Operations, he's now leading the charge to empower American workers with a suite of game-changing financial services. Talk about finding your calling!

What really drew me to OrbisPay was their commitment to a social purpose. They're helping people who've been overlooked by traditional financial services for far too long

Selling What You Love

Pablo is a true advocate for following your passion. He firmly believes that a job should serve a greater purpose, not just for yourself, but for those around you as well. In a world where aggressive sales tactics are all too common, Pablo stands out with his approach. He prides himself on being an excellent listener, focusing on identifying the root problems of prospects before offering solutions. When discussing his role, Pablo shared some invaluable tips for those embarking on a career in sales.

  1. Fall in love with what you sell:

"First, you have to fall in love with what you sell. That is my personal case. I just love the mission of what we do, and it can really help to understand the buyer much better and help them in their decision-making. So, for me, if you want to get into sales, it doesn't really matter what you're selling as long as you believe in the product in terms of, 'This is going to help my customers; this is going to help the people I want to try to sell to."

  1. Always be customer-centric:

“You have to understand the customer first; before anything else. Nowadays, we see that the buyer is way more educated. They know more and have access to a lot of information. So, the only difference a really good salesperson can make is understanding the buyer and helping them make that decision.”

  1. Keep a strong mindset:

“The role requires a lot of self-confidence. We hear a lot more NOs than we hear YES. One of the most important, or the hardest, things to do is to keep a very strong mindset. Just be clear on what you're trying to accomplish and have a systematic process that will take you there.”

Acing the Discovery Call

Anyone who has been in sales knows how important a discovery call is. This is your chance to better understand your prospect, identify their pain points, and address those issues. If the expression "first impression is the last impression" holds any value, it would be in the discovery call, as it's the first of many (depending on how it goes) conversations between the prospect and the salesperson. Knowing that Pablo had years of experience in this area, I asked him to distill his advice into the two best tips for acing the discovery call. Here's what I learned:

The key to a successful discovery call lies in asking thoughtful questions and listening attentively. This approach allows you to truly understand your prospect's needs and tailor your product presentation accordingly
  1. Asking the right questions: The only way to ask the right questions is by first getting to know your prospects and understanding their priorities. Pablo shared that if you miss out on finding their priorities, you won’t be able to ask the right questions. If you are unable to ask the right questions, the prospect will be less likely to open up and share their experiences with you.
  2. Listening to your prospects: Pablo further shared that listening to your prospects means being able to connect with them. It’s about paying close attention to their needs and thinking about how you can help solve their problems. Some of the best sales reps are excellent listeners, shared Pablo.

Persistence Is The Name Of The Game

Persistence is probably one of those words we hear often but many struggle to master. As cliché as it might sound, it's a winning strategy for many professionals, including Pablo.

Talking about his successes, Pablo mentioned that being persistent in sales is the opposite of being pushy. It means staying on top of the accounts you're managing, keeping track of the process, and doing thorough research on your prospects so you're ready to answer all their questions.

This approach not only makes you appear knowledgeable but also shows your prospects the effort you're putting into solving their problems. Pablo also shared how he regularly likes to provide his prospects with relevant content, such as the latest news, articles, and market updates, to keep them well-informed.

Throughout the sales process, there will be moments when it feels like a deal might fall apart. However, Pablo believes that persistence plays a crucial role in these situations.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Pablo's journey has taught him a valuable lesson: patience truly pays off.

Despite growing up in a privileged environment with supportive parents, Pablo's post-graduation experience was a reality check. Like many young professionals, Pablo initially approached his career with a sense of urgency and high expectations. He wanted success, and he wanted it fast. However, this impatience in the early stages of his sales career led to missed opportunities.

Pablo candidly shared how his eagerness to see immediate results sometimes clouded his judgment. He learned that in sales, as in life, timing is everything. Some deals need time to mature, and some relationships need nurturing before they bear fruit.

This realization was a turning point for Pablo. He discovered that success in sales isn't just about quick wins, but about building lasting relationships and understanding the long-term needs of clients. By adopting a more patient approach, Pablo found he could better align his strategies with his clients' timelines and decision-making processes.

Now, Pablo views patience as a strategic asset in his sales toolkit. He understands that good things often come to those who wait - and more importantly, to those who use that waiting time wisely to prepare, learn, and build stronger connections.

“When it comes to sales, you have to understand that the right time will come, and you need to be ready for it. It's about recognizing that this is a process, a journey, and you must be prepared when your moment arrives. That's the most important lesson I would give my younger self.”

Building Relationships

The digital transformation in sales has made it possible to automate many processes that took longer to complete before. From AI lead generation to customer engagement, bots have taken much of our work. However, while Pablo appreciates the efficiency achieved in this transformation, he also sees a major concern – the loss of human touch.

“Building relationships is the most important thing about sales.”

Pablo shares that while tools are there to aid salespersons, the industry relies heavily on forming meaningful relationships with prospects and clients. This is why Pablo is confident that no matter how much automation is achieved, people will want to speak to people to discuss their problems and seek solutions. That human element in the things we do is simply irreplaceable.

Talking about the advantages of technology, Pablo further shared that it is now possible to offer financial services to millions of Americans who were left behind before. Pablo is excited to be in present times as he takes on his mission with OrbisPay to provide earned wage access (EWA) solutions to employees in the US to cover emergency expenses without relying on high-interest rate schemes.

Nothing Business, Just Personal

Over a short span of time, earned wage access (EWA) has quickly risen to prominence for all the good reasons. It comes at a time when half of Americans are surviving on one paycheck to another. As employees struggle to make ends meet, there is a growing call for help. A recent survey by ADP reveals that 76% of employees of all age groups believe it is important that their employer offers them EWA. (ADP, 2022)

Pablo believes that times have changed now. People now want greater control over their earnings than ever before. Feeling with Hispanic people of the same background as him, Pablo shared that many just want to use earned wage access to pay for simple things like food.

“Often, people want to use earned wage access simply to buy food, and for me, this is a no-brainer; I'm completely committed to helping these individuals. I can't bear the thought of people having to choose between buying food or paying rent while waiting for their next paycheck. This has become a personal mission for me. I want to help as many people as possible.”

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